Thursday, March 12, 2015

Community Outreach

"The Little Mermaid" takes the stage on March 13-14 at Swansboro Middle School, directed by Kristen Viszneki, the chorus teacher and leader of the SBMS Drama Club.  Mrs. Viszneki has worked tirelessly to obtain funding for props, locate parents to assist with costume construction, and collaborated with the art teacher to design and construct stage props.  Recently, Mrs. Viszneki wrote an article about our production and a parent submitted it for publishing to several publishing companies.  Ultimately, the Carolina Salt magazine published the article and now we feel as if we're famous!  I'm very excited to see this community partnership promote our school and the great things happening here.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

IRB Approval, Comps, Proposal, GO!.....

This week has been a whirlwind of busyness... Hours spent reading articles, summarizing results, identifying themes, and thinking about how all of the information applies to SBMS.  The IRB process has been lengthy and tedious, but rewarding.  Revisions led to further understanding of the methodology process in the study and how to construct appendices appropriately.  My comprehensive exam was Wednesday and it was a success!  I'm still celebrating this accomplishment, but have the realization of how much is still left to do in the next few days... I need to write chapter three, critique an action research article, and "button up" chapters 1 and 2 by Monday.  I suppose I need to stop writing here and begin typing on those papers.